INDI Alliance is not India — Post Poll musings

INDI Alliance is not India — Post Poll musings

‘Modi’s defeat is India’s victory,’ someone said.

This statement came when the BJP alone won more than all the INDI alliance parties combined. BJP’s vote share is bigger than that of all the major opposition parties(INC, SP, DMK, AITC, SHSUBT)combined. Still, data and statistics aren’t for the delusional.

Numbers are approximate.

But, for argument’s sake, let’s say it is Modi’s loss. In that case, all who voted for him, a clear majority in numbers, are not India. Only INDI supporters (we know who voted for them en masse) are India? This mentality isn’t unheard of. We’ve been a witness to statements like India is Indira, Indira is India.

But what worries me is the myopia on display. This myopia forgets the block voting in the 1946 provincial elections which led to the tragic partition.

It forgets that a massive influence operation used AI in India’s general elections. It targeted the incumbent, leaving us open to blatant foreign interference.

Caste has reared its ugly head with greater ferocity. It will add venom to existing fault lines. Actors within and outside will exploit them. Also, inversion at the borders threatens the identity of this ancient civilization.

Socialist and communist ideas, including inheritance tax and wealth redistribution, have found traction and support.

This shortsightedness makes you deny mistakes made a century ago in the Khilafat Movement. It is the peak of Stockholm Syndrome.

This view made someone blind, deaf, and dumb to insults hurled at their icon, Savarkar.

When China threatens our borders, attempts to sow dissension amongst the armed forces have intensified, thanks to someone’ selfish agendas.

This mindset does not remember India that is Bharat. It wants to have INDI Alliance at the expense of Bharat.


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